bottle gourd ayurveda
#Milk gourd
#Botttle gourd
#Doodhi bhopla
Milk gourd has the same nutrients as milk, which is why it is called milk gourd. In a way, milk gourd is vegetable milk. Milk gourd is compared to mother's milk as per the saying 'Yatha Naam Tatha Guna'. Mild vegetable with a cold medicinal properties is used as a dietary vegetable in all ailments. The elongated bottle-shaped pale green color, white sponge-like inside and long square seeds are useful for the health of all. Learn about medicinal properties and uses .
According to Ayurveda, milk gourd is a biliary and expectorant and cures many other problems.
For making milk gourd juice :
Take a milk gourd, small piece of ginger, a lemon and little coriander. Grinde all above in mixture and add water as per your need.
It tastes good and very healthy.
So let's see what are the benefits of milk gourd.
1) Giving one cup of milk gourd juice to heart patients in the morning and evening helps in lowering the cholesterol in the arteries.
2) milk gourd (Pumpkin) helps in reducing lactic acid and ammonia in the blood.
3) Obesity is reduced by mixing half a cup of milk gourd (pumpkin) juice and one teaspoon of ginger juice in water before eating anything every morning. .
4) milk gourd provides abundant supply of Vitamin A to the body. This reduces the risk of cataracts and eye problems with age.
5) Milk gourd juice improves digestion.
6) Fiber in milk gourd (pumpkin) helps in loosening the blockages of heart.
7) Regular consumption of milk gourd juice makes skin glow
* 15 benefits of eating milk gourd with medicinal properties *
- Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus B, Vitamin Protein, Minerals, Moisture, Fiber and Fat are all the nutrients in milk gourd. According to Ayurveda, milk gourd is a biliary and expectorant, nourishing and strengthening of heart, diuretic, septadhatu.
milk gourd for heart
- Milk gourd is a boon for heart patients as it has low calorie content. In heart disease, bad cholesterol builds up in the blood vessels, interfering with the blood supply. In this case, take half a cup of milk gourd juice, 7-8 leaves of basil, 7-8 leaves of mint, sandhav, cumin and black pepper and drink this juice every morning. This removes the blockage on the blood vessels and improves the blood supply.
- Since milk gourd is a metal nutrient, pregnant women should consume milk regularly in their diet. This helps in maintaining good health of the pregnant woman and also helps in proper nutrition of the fetus. It also relieves frequent constipation during pregnancy.
lauki juice for health
- If the body is losing weight due to heat, then drink milk gourd juice with powdered sugar. This reduces heat stress.
- Obese people should drink milk soup every evening before meals to lose weight. Add sandhav, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, salt and cow dung. It creates a feeling of fullness and the body gets all the nutrients.
- If you are frequently thirsty due to extreme heat, diarrhea, acid reflux, diabetes, oily eating, then add a pinch of milk juice and a pinch of salt. This reduces the salts that are excreted from the body through sweat. Reduces thirst and does not cause fatigue.
lauki vegitable
- If you are not getting a good night's sleep, apply oil prepared from milk gourd juice on the head and soles of the feet. When making this oil, take its leaves and flowers along with milk gourd. This oil creates coolness and promotes restful sleep.
- In case of burning sensation in the urine, squeeze half a lemon in a glass of milk. This reduces the amount of excess acid in the urine and naturally reduces body heat and stops urinary incontinence.
- In case of high fever, drinking pumpkin soup is a good medicine. This helps to reduce the fever. Also, if fever is rising, apply milk and apply on forehead. Doing so helps to reduce the fever
- If people with bilious nature are suffering from bile and heat, they should consume milk from their diet regularly. This gives coolness to the body.
- Milk thistle is useful as medicine. Dividing these seeds into milk increases brain function and reduces forgetfulness. It also reduces the heat in the head and increases the excitement of the brain.
- If the brain stress has increased due to extreme care and it is causing unbearable severe headache, then in such a case, add 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 cup of milk gourd juice. This stops the headaches.
lauki for eyes
- If the eyes are burning due to excessive heat and the redness of the eyes has increased, then in such a case, place the milk powder on the cotton and place the cotton on the eyes and lie down quietly. This reduces the heat of the eyes
- If you are feeling weak due to illness and your body is lean, then in this case, add milk gourd, ginger, milk, almonds, raisins and eat it after meal. This eliminates the weakness of the body in a few days.
bottle gourd ayurveda
- If the soles of the feet are cracked, then apply milk-soaked oil on the soles of the feet and put socks on the feet. This reduces heat stress and fills the gaps.
- Milk gourd should be used regularly in the diet. Many people as well as young children do not like to eat dairy vegetables. In such cases, it should be used in many forms like Kushbir, Thalipeeth, Paratha, Halwa, Soup.
Caution -
Milk gourd should always be used fresh in the diet. Cucumbers are rich in medicinal nutrients. Also, always eat it boiled or cooked. Older milk gourd is more likely to upset stomach if eaten in large quantities or in raw form.
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